


Andhra Hospitals is the only Hospital in Vijayawada with a full fledged ONCOLOGY UNIT that caters to a wide range of Oncology cases. It is headed by a D.M. Specialist who works full time. He is ably supported by experienced Gastroenterologists who have a very good experience with a large range of surgical malignancies, especially Gastroenterological tumours like Esophageal, Gastric, Hepatic, Pancreatic, Gall bladder, Small bowel, Large bowel Malignancies.

A separate ward exists for Oncology manned by a team of Duty Doctors present 24 hrs of the day.

A team of intensivists are present in the Hospital to attend to any emergency that arises in the ward that is either disease related or therapy related and a fully equipped ICU for emergent therapy and resuscitation. In addition a full scale radio therapy unit and a chemo therapy unit are to be started to cater exclusively for Oncology patients of Andhra Hospitals. Full time working pathologist, Lab facilities and radiological facilities are also available.


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